Experiencing hair loss can be difficult. In a cruel twist of fate, attempting to solve it can be hard too. A rational, pragmatic approach is needed – not an easy ask when anxieties and doubts are likely heightened.
But with the realisation that hair loss treatment involves more than just applying product to your hair – it requires dedication, behavioural changes, and a positive mindset – comes the understanding that you have more control over this process than initially seemed the case.
What are 3 tips to increase the chances of effective results?
1. Dosage
Companies that offer hair solutions don’t just close their eyes and pick at random when it comes to recommended dosing of each treatment. Well, we assume they don’t – but we can say for certain that Herbal Hair reaches its suggested dosage through hours of research and testing.
After analysing the data, we came to the conclusion that the recommended amounts over the specified period of time are most conducive to potential hair loss prevention. So take time when preparing your solution – make sure the measurements are correct, and make sure you are taking the correct amount for your severity of condition.
2. Consistency
It might at first be easy to commit to the schedule your treatment provider recommends. But once a few weeks have passed and the stresses of daily life have crept back into view, missed dosages become more common. Then suddenly it’s missed days, until eventually you may as well not be taking it at all.
Because when it comes to natural hair loss solutions, it’s not just important to follow the dosage instructions – it’s important to do it consistently. If you follow them to the letter for the first month but then allow complacency to slip in for the next few, you’re not giving your hair the support it needs to potentially treat your issue.
For a deeper dive on how to figure out your optimal dosage plan, please click the link.
3. Patience
When you start a new plan for combatting hair loss, you’re usually buoyed by a wave of optimism. Finding an option you think might work can feel like finding a lighthouse in a storm – it’s easy to stay motivated with such a mindset, but it also leaves you open to dejection when things don’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped.
Our natural hair loss products are designed to complement the natural hair growth cycle. They aren’t designed to hijack your follicles and batter them into shape. Because that cycle lasts around three months, so does your treatment plan – this isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.
One of the best ways to ensure effective results is to be OK with them not happening quickly. It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you can take patience into this upcoming period, you may find that not only are positive results more likely to happen, but that you feel more positive in general too.
Which products can I use to promote hair growth?
We have a selection of naturally-derived products that can support the natural hair growth cycle.
Our tips for securing the best possible chance of effective hair loss prevention may not be flashy, but we genuinely think each one is crucial: dosage, consistency, patience.
But there are other things you can do, things that may naturally boost hair growth, while being accessible to most people. If this piques your interest, make sure to check out our Top 5 Ways To Boost Your Hair Growth Naturally blog post.