Q: What causes hair loss?

A: The most common cause of hair loss for both men and women is heredity. Either or both parents can pass on the gene that causes hair loss. Typically, men are more susceptible to hereditary loss of hair because of testosterone. Other reasons for hair loss may be underlying medical or hormonal problems, medications, excessive weight loss, chemotherapy, or radiation.
Q: Is male pattern hair loss different from female pattern loss?

A: Yes, the patterns are generally very different but do have their similarities. Women most commonly lose hair on the top of the scalp while sparing a rim of hair along the front border. Like men, the crown in women may thin but the loss is highly variable. Crown thinning in men or women is considered one of the patterns of hair loss associated with the balding gene and androgens.
Q: Can I grow back my thinning hair?

A: It may take months for you to regrow your hair. In the meantime, you can reduce the appearance of hair loss by paying a visit to your hairdresser. A good haircut and a few easy styling tricks can easily fake fullness.
Q: What other natural remedies can I try?

- Treat your remaining hair with a bit more respect. Most people are too rough with their hair. It’s better to use a comb, not a brush, and avoid tightly fitting caps or hats.
- Hair is more fragile when it’s wet, so handle it with care.
- Short hair minimises the contrast between balding and non-balding areas. Long hair has the reverse effect and is very ageing. It shouldn’t need saying, but combing hair over a bald spot is not a good idea.
- Look at your diet and choose a healthy and balanced diet. Include sufficient protein, especially if you are vegan or vegetarian (hair loss sometimes starts when people give up meat). Ensure that you do not become anaemic by eating plenty of iron-rich foods like liver, eggs and green vegetables.
Q: What helps female thinning hair?

- Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hairline
- Ditch hair tools that use high heat
- Be wary of chemical processing
- Look to see if you can make healthier diet choices
- Use natural hair products targeted to restore hair growth
- Don’t skip the scalp massage
Q: Is it dangerous to shampoo my hair every day, could more fall out?

A: There are no dangers to shampooing your hair every day, even if you are experiencing hair loss. In fact, the scalp and hair benefit enormously by being kept clean and clear of dead skin and grease build up. The hair will have body added to it and will be kept in good condition by frequent shampooing and conditioning – try our Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo, which is designed to cleanse the scalp and hair follicle, preventing hair loss while encouraging healthy hair regrowth.
Q: How do I contact you?

A: Our Head office is located at:
5 Lonebarn link, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 5AR
Our contact number is: +44 (0)1245 350 822
Email: info@herbalhair.com